Path vs. Destination, which one is the purpose?

In search of love, I feel I found myself. It seems that when you search for something for too long with no results, you get used to the process so much that you forget about the main reason for your quest as the journey itself is the purpose with no clear destination to arrive. Sometimes this journey will take you to the unknown direction that your imagination couldn’t even help you reveal the path. So, you’re left with no option than just move forward as there is no way to go back. Apparently, some of us get too focused to choose the shortest, safest, and correct path to achieve Love that we neglect to enjoy the thrills, adventures, excitement and changes this journey of life could bring to us. Maybe there is not any destination to begin with yet the passage itself is the whole purpose, the purpose of knowing yourself, overcoming your fears, claiming your dreams, acknowledging your powers and loving yourself for who you are.

As change is the only constant in our journey of life, we must cherish the transformation if we long to grow to a better version of ourselves. This transformation is not easy. There are many internal and external resistances to change as change is not familiar. There are many unknown obstacles we need to discover, to explore, to dig in further. There are many voids, limitations, and shortcomings we need to conquer if we seek further. This is a mysterious hunt for true love. I still believe that in search of true love, you must unapologetically love yourself with all your faults and strengths. In pursuing that, you will attract those people who vibrates at your level to your path. Though every encounter doesn’t guarantee the lasting forever, it can be your steppingstone to accelerate further. Now imagine, that you’re lucky enough to meet those souls who make the path more smooth and pleasant to travel together. They are not ahead of you, not running behind your back but travelling at the same speed as yours, right by your side.

Although life has been a rough road for me so far, and I had to change many directions to just keep moving, I’ve noticed all the shifts and adjustments were meant to happen leading me to a better place. A safe, familiar, and comfortable place of self-awareness where you find peace, serenity, stillness and start to understand the meaning of love not only loving yourself but anyone or anything which is connected in this circle of lives….