Life Is Just a Dance Choreographer…

Going against the norm was my weapon to tame my inner rebels as I was restless and seeking a satisfaction by creating something which I knew would raise majority’s opposition. Though feeding my appetite for attention and distinction was another fulfilling philosophy. I was always pleased to experience an unfair battle of life vs. me with an unshaken confidence that I will win as I believed I am a daring warrior. Surprisingly in my wrestling with life, I have noticed that Life has never been a fighter against me. In fact, life has been a loyal and compassionate coach who kept demonstrating to me and still does regardless of the duel I am dealing within.  Life has not been my wrestling coach. It’s been a dance teacher teaching me that it takes two to tango on a dance floor. No matter how hard I  tried to learn my balance or to make my lines perfect to  move my body in harmony with rhythms of this symphony of life, if my partner is not available, physically, emotionally, psychologically, or even if he is but not properly trained or compatible, my performance is just a vague illusion of some outdated choreography.