Fear of Height

Height is one of my biggest fears yet a very encouraging element in my life. I developed this fear throughout my adulthood.  As a child, I was never afraid of heights. Trying the tallest and the most terrifying of rides was the best amusement I had in childhood. Travelling by airplane to other cities for sightseeing and visiting families was the most prestigious and thrilling vacation in summertime. Also, I remember enjoying the helicopter ride for the first time with my dad who took us on Sky Tour over the big city of Tehran which was one of the best experiences I’ve ever had as a teenage girl.

Flashing back to my memories, I remember the moments sitting and counting the minutes for the airplane to take off. I was about to leave everything familiar and valuable in my life behind and move forward to an unknown territory to start a new beginning. I was about to Immigrate to a foreign country at the age of 20, leaving all my friends and belonging behind, saying goodbye to all my beloved families who I’ve spent my entire 20 years life with, and cutting all the cords with my pasts and my roots. As I was soaring high to the sky, while enjoying the thrills, and dreaming big, I was questioning my desire to rise, my curiosity for expansion, my urge to be free. Does Being on top mean to be alone? Does letting go of attachment and connection mean growing out of all your fears and limitations? As I was going higher, farther in distance, I felt more detached and a sense of loss in my new endeavors. Now 20 more years have gone and when I must make an important decision, I must overcome my biggest fear of all, height. An airplane is a symbol of height to me, an unfamiliar territory, a means to let go, to detach from what is familiar and conquer the eminence which is not easy to achieve.

Today, for the first time, I flew a private airplane sitting in the front seat next to an experienced pilot. As I was soaring high with the speed of 100 miles per hour, I was asking myself again, are you ready to let go of the past repeated cycles which no longer serve you, are you courageous enough to glide higher, to attain intact peaks, are you confident enough to trust the path and pursue your dreams.

Flying today reminded me again that the first step is always the trickiest step. The moment you decide and act upon your decision, you announce to the universe that you’re ready to manifest and the rest is just the synchronicity, coherency and the alignment offered by the universe. Like an airplane flying in air, stay playful and dare to bear. Trust your journey…

Thinking will not overcome fear, but action will.